Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Twin Experiment

Although not confirmed by DNA tests, we have always thought of our twin boys as fraternal as to us they look entirely different from one another, although there are most definitely some physical similarities.  Being that a strange phenomenon exists whereby the word “Twins” seems to instill a mental block in a person’s brain, I have always supposed that was the reasoning behind so many peoples’ inability to tell Max and Connor apart. 

Recently many of the twins groups on Facebook have seen members posting pictures of their twins, whereby they have taken photographs of each of their twin sets, split the faces down the middle and joined them to create a single picture. It has been a rather interesting exercise in that the similarities in fraternal twins especially, have really been highlighted.

Fascinated by the outcome of these twin experiments, I decided to follow suite with my boys, the results of which have led me to believe that maybe other people are not so crazy in their inability to see the many differences in our boys that we do. 

The first picture is Connor, the second Max and the third, half and half.  Connor on the left and Max on the right.


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