Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Connor's Atom Project - Neon

The criteria was to make an atom using recycled items from home - ie. you weren't allowed to buy any materials for this project.  We scrounged through my vast collection of craft embelishments for inspiration.

Neon has an atomic number of 10 = 10 positive protons (red) and 10 neutral neutrons (green) inside the nucleus.  It then has 2 energy shells / rings with negative electrons on them. 

With the twins having the same teacher for this subject, it was important to create projects that did not look the same as one another and thus we have to further think out of the box!  We also didn't have enough of the same recycled materials.

We used black pompoms for the electrons and painted a negative sign on it to show the negative charge.  We used green and red pompoms for the protons and neutrons.

We used skewer sticks and glued the electrons on each end. The outer energy shell's skewer sticks are longer than the inner energy shell.  We then joined the skewer sticks in the middle using a pipe cleaner which we painted black when the glue had dried.

We then glued the protons and neutrons onto the middle section which would make up the nucleus.  In theory the protons and neutrons should be bigger than the electrons, but we were sticking within the critea of using recycled items and those were the materials we had available at the time.

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