Thursday, August 22, 2013

Email Voodoo

Don't you just love recieving emails and other electronic messages that start with a heartwarming story that can sometimes bring tears to your eyes, and then proceed to threaten you with all sorts of horrific outcomes should you not immediately pass the message on to freak out at least 10 more of your friends? 

Admittedly I do sometimes pass those messages on, not in a far reaching attempt to secure my good fortune or increase my cash flow, but instead to share the beautiful words......which is very easily done by deleting the creepy bit at the end before sending! 

This world and those I care for are far better served recieving encouraging words during hard times than veiled threats me thinks

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Featured on Facebook

Quite excited to see that Max and Connor were chosen as today's profile picture for Facebook's Twiniversity, one of the fastest growing online groups for parents of multiples.